Get the Full Picture
By using a through-process thermal profiling system like the Datapaq Furnace Tracker, you can monitor the temperature of your products throughout the entire process to gain a better understanding of what is happening inside your furnace. Each system can also send real-time data via high-temperature radio telemetry, even when your application involves multiple vacuum chambers.
Reduce Temperature Uniformity Survey Times
In vacuum furnace application, through-process profiling systems allow for thermocouples to be set up, connected and checked offline – eliminating the need for feedthroughs and reducing furnace downtime. Additionally, without the proper software, producing reports that prove your compliance can be both time consuming and prone to errors. With Datapaq’s Insight™ Software, automated report options can help you reduce reporting times from hours to mere minutes as well as minimize the risk for any data entry errors.
Optimize Set-Up Times
Ensuring every product in the rack or basket meets thermal specification is critical to nearly any vacuum carburizing process. To better optimize your process, our Datapaq solution uses up to 20 thermocouples to gather full, detailed mappings and temperature data that show the full furnace working volume at every stage of the process – including during the gas quench.
Monitor Temperatures During Quench
Because quenching is crucial to the final surface hardness of a product, the Datapaq Furnace Tracker can measure temperatures up to 10 times every second. This provides the resolution most heat treatment facilities need to verify this fast quenching process.