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Fluke Process Instruments family of products

Datapaq Kiln Tracker System

Datapaq Kiln Tracker Systems from Fluke Process Instruments are designed to provide thermal profiles for ceramic-firing applications in roller hearth kilns, hydro kilns, clay block kilns and tunnel kilns.

Each system uses our intuitive Insight™ software and radio telemetry to monitor the temperature profile of the entire ceramics process in real-time, create traceable reports to satisfy documentation needs and set alarms to automatically alert you when temperatures go beyond set parameters. This allows you to optimize long production cycles by adjusting the kiln during the process and deliver uniform, quality results by ensuring optimal temperatures are met.

The Datapaq Kiln Tracker Systems feature 10- and 20-channel data loggers and support a wide range of thermocouple sizes. Each system also includes a rugged thermal barrier, which allows the logger to withstand the harsh kiln environment.

Kiln Tracker System

Datapaq Kiln Tracker Thermal Profiling System

Datapaq Kiln Tracker sets the industry standard for ease-of-use, reliability, and ruggedness. Consisting of user-friendly software, accurate data logger, wide range of rugged stainless steel phased-evaporative thermal barriers and specially designed thermocouples, this system withstands the harshest environments.